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About me & the history of Bowen

Pain Management and Wellness Solutions with Katherine Morton

I graduated with certification for Animal Bowen in 2017. Following that, I took courses in Bowen Therapy, Myoskeletal Therapy, McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release, and Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding in 2018.
Your care is my top priority. That’s why these pain management and wellness solutions are so important to me.

Terry NcNamee interviewed me for We talked about Bowen Therapy services and how I help people, dogs and horses. Click here to read the interview!

The living body is truly amazing! As a therapist, dog parent and horse owner, I started looking at people and animals differently. You can learn so much from just watching how we walk and stand and sit. You learn a lot about pain management too!

The body can heal itself.  There is a connection between animals and owners on a physical and emotional level. This became my drive to provide treatment for people, pets, and animals. 

The body compensates when there is a lack of symmetry. This happens in people, dogs, and horses.  These adjustments end up in the relationships between human beings and animals too. If the human is stressed, the dog will be stressed. You get the picture.

The Personal Side of Pain Management and Wellness Solutions with Katherine Morton

I currently live with my loving husband, Marlo, in the beautiful town of Stirling, Ontario.  We are lucky enough to have 20 acres of land where our horses, dogs, and cats can be with us all the time. I was blessed with two girls. In return, they blessed me with fantastic son-in-laws and many wonderful and awesome grandchildren.

My passions outside of Bowen include competing in cattle sorting with my horses. My family goes on long trail rides and spends a lot of time together. I also dabble in essential oils.

I would like to thank my Bowen Instructors for their depth of knowledge and teaching abilities. Today, Bowen practitioners have taken these therapy methods to a new level of understanding. Now I want to help people and animals live pain-free. That is why I have dedicated myself to pain management and wellness solutions that are both effective and personal.

With special thanks to Graham Pennington, John Garfield and Alastair McLoughlin for sharing your wealth of knowledge.

The History of Bowen

Thomas Ambrose Bowen (1916-1982) began developing his technique in the 1950s in Geelong, Australia. He became interested in ways to alleviate human suffering. He began to notice that certain moves on the body had particular effects.

He continued to develop and refine the technique throughout his lifetime with the help of his friend and secretary, Rene Horwood.

Mr. Bowen was extremely busy in his Geelong clinic, performing about 13,000 treatments a year. This was verified by 1975 Victorian govern­ment inquiry into alternative health care professionals. Mr. Bowen also held free clinics for children, people with disabilities, and community service workers.

Bowen left behind a complex legacy and wealth of information. At least six men can lay some claim to being “disciples” of his work.  Each was able to observe Bowen at different times in his working life. Each developed a personal interpretation of the approach and methods Bowen used.  Each of these men has previous training in either being a chiropractor, osteopath or massage therapist.

Through natural progression of science and technology, these men and their followers have taken Bowen to a higher level of understanding of how our body is connected.

I am very proud to be a Bowen Practitioner because of these fine men and women who have put Bowen on the map as a therapeutic modality that has helped so many people.

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